Gearing Up for Christmas

Time sure flies these days, it's already Christmas (well in a few days)! We have been trying to have some fun and do a few things to get Kaleb excited for the big day. He has asked for a ball and bubbles from Santa and we can't wait to see his excitement on Christmas morning.

Kaleb painted ornaments and decorated cookies with friends! Yummy!

We went to the ward "Come to Bethlehem" activity. We were asked to dress in the time period and experience Bethlehem. There was a great program and music to help us remember the birth of Christ. I love this season and the opportunity it gives us to teach Kaleb about Christ. Here are Kevin and Kaleb in the manger scene.

We built a gingerbread house which fell apart later that night and was then eaten. I think it was just last year that we also had a failed gingerbread house. Maybe we will get it right next year? At least this year Kaleb had a blast and got creative.

Even here you can see the faulty roof!

And here is an excited two year old to see Santa, good thing he didn't notice how grumpy he was. He told Santa he wanted bubbles and was so excited to sit on his lap and talk to him. We also got to see the "snow" at the mall. I love having this little guy around, he reminds me to have fun and enjoy this time of the year!


Shana said...

Yep, it gets funner and funner each year! Time really flies, especially the more kids you have. Have a very Merry one!

Rus & Bren said...

He is getting so big...Love that sly grin he has...Avery looks adorable. Sure miss you guys. Merry Christmas.

lynz said...

awww, that picture of him with the snow so excited to see santa is priceless! love it and hope you guys have a very merry christmas in the sunshine :)

Valerie said...

Cute Pictures Miss Sabby, I'm so glad you guys were able to go home and enjoy family over the Holidays. :)