Let the Summer Begin...Its August!

This year summer weather didn't really show up until August. So that is when our summer fun began! First thing was swim lessons. And Kaleb was one excited little man!Kaleb was lucky enough to have his good friends from church in his class, Cohen, Lashae, and Makena. I am not sure if it was better or worse for the teacher? They seemed to encourage each other but it also lead to more talking and making trouble. The other nice thing about his friends being in the class that meant that I had my friends the moms there to talk with too!Everyday on the drive there Kaleb was so excited and would tell me all about his class and what he was going to do that day but once we were there he seemed to take awhile to get in the water and warm up to the teacher.He loved singing loud during the ABC game and jumping in the water! He was especially excited to go down the slide but once was enough, apparently he didn't love dropping under water as he slid down. It was fun for me to see him progress and be excited to try new things.

I love these cute little faces!

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