A Few Things to Remember!

There have been a few things that I have wanted to remember so here they are.

While taking a hike we came upon another family. There were older children and lots of adults. They stepped aside so that we could pass. As we were passing Kaleb was eating a granola bar. As we passed the last adult (which I assumed was the dad) he said to Kaleb can I have some, I want some of your bar. Kaleb without any hesitation handed what was in his hand to the man. Of course the man was only kidding and said no thanks but it was so cute that he was willing to give up his snack to someone he did not even know, without a thought. Thinking about it I realize that I should be more like that, give/serve those you do not even know!

One day a few weeks ago Kaleb was playing with his cousins. He and Lucie love to play pretend and are so fun to listen to. On this particular day they were playing something to do with monsters and running away from them. I then heard Lucie "there is a monster, lets throw her in the trash!" Avery had been following them around and so of course she had turned into a monster. Kaleb in a sad voice said "no you can NOT throw Avery away she is my family, she is my buddy." Can I just tell you how proud I was of him to love his sister and want to protect her. Not that Lucie was really going to do anything to her but he was a protective big brother, it just melted my heart!

Avery is trying hard to walk. She can stand on her own for a few seconds and can take one or two steps on her own. She holds your fingers and if you are walking her and try to let go she will stop and looks around for your finger. It is when you distract her that she stands and takes a step on her own.

That's all for now!

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