A Blessed Day

In February we blessed Avery. She was almost four months old but it took a while to coordinate the family that was able to attend. We got to the church in plenty of time and got her in her dress and were seated. Her blessing came a lot faster than I anticipated but she seemed happy so I thought things would go well. Kevin did a great job with the blessing but not too long into it she started to fuss and it just got worse and worse. Kevin was getting a bit thrown off and ended up ending the blessing a bit faster that planned. Even with that being said it was a great blessing and only the first of many blessings her father can give her in the years to come!

Grandpa Y, Dad, Uncle Jared and Uncle John helped with the blessing.

Our little family!

Granny, Mom and Avery (which is also granny's maiden name).

Then we we had a relaxing afternoon with family at the house.

Grammy made the blessing dress so we did a little photo shoot! Too bad you can't wear it to church every week. It was perfect, thanks Grammy!

1 comment:

KRISTIE said...

love her dress!!!!