Birthday Boy is 2!

Kaleb is now officially two years old. It is so hard to believe that he came into our lives two years ago. On his birthday I reflected on how hard it was to get him here but oh how we loved him even then. Our love for him grows everyday and I love seeing what he is going to do next. He keeps me on my toes and motivates me to be a better person and better example. I know that he was sent to our family for a reason and I am so glad that he choose me to be his mom.

Kaleb is now 35 inches tall and 32 pounds, recently I did a height prediction and it said that by 18 years old he should be 6'0" tall. That means he will probably pass me up at the age of 12. He has big brown eyes and curly brown hair just like his mom and dad! He is talking all the time and likes to count on his own although his counting starts at 2 and jumps to 6. When prompted he will actually count from 1-5. He is definitely an active 2 year old but we wouldn't have it any other way. He is leaning new things everyday and although rough sometimes he is a sweet little boy.

The day he arrived in this world.

On his first birthday, with cake and all!

This year on his birthday he was not feeling well so he took two naps but by the afternoon he was happy and his cheerful self.
He ran, played with friends, laughed, was surprising shy while being sung to and really enjoyed his green cupcake!

We could not imagine life without you Kaleb, we love you! Bring on the terrific twos!

1 comment:

Kendra and Caleb said...

Yeah! Congrats! Im so excited for you and your growing family.