A Hunting We Will Go....

Kaleb got a taste of an Easter egg hunt at our Stake Easter Egg activity last weekend. So when he saw the eggs in the basket that I was going to hid outside, he was ready to go! He even ran to find them! I love how his left arm moves fast and hard to help him run faster/better.

He was great at finding the eggs although they were hardly hidden. He of course shook each one to make sure there was something inside.

He was very proud of his findings and as always does a cheesy smile for the camera. Oh and if you look closely you can see the dimple he developed on his left cheek. I really don't know when or where it came from but I think it is super cute!

He loved it so much that these past few days we have been hiding eggs all over again. This time we do it in the house (it's cold here) with no candy in the eggs. It goes something like this. Kaleb hands be an egg and says "hide, hide, hide" I tell him to walk to the kitchen. He then stands where he can still sees me and says "hide, hide." I then tell him to close his eyes so that he can't see where they get put. He squints real hard and yet watches where I place the eggs. As soon as I tell him to find the egg he charges for the place I put it and then wants to do it all over again! In addition to playing with the eggs I let him play with the basket, and this is what i got, a mess!


Julie said...

Love the cheesy grin! And the dimple too. Such a cute little guy!

lynz said...

i can't get enough of that cheesy smile, and i love his new little game! such a cutie and he's getting so big :)

mel and april said...

Cute pictures what a choice experience that is, that would be great for the scapbooking

Shana said...

Can't believe how big he is getting!!!

Em-Cat said...

What an absolute cutie pie! We had an Easter Egg hunt with J and he LOVED it. We didn't think he would since he's still so little, but he seemed to have the time of his life!

Steph H said...

I just can't get over how big he is and that he's this little boy in jeans and shoes RUNNING around! They don't just stay babies forever? They actually grow into kids?

Kolbi Young said...

He is a little boy!!! Oh, I'm not ready for that change! I do love his cheesy grin. And I can't blame him for loving the treats!