We Love Sunshine

Here is what we have been up to.

A great miracle has occurred! Changing Kaleb's nap schedule to one nap a day has helped him wake up in the morning during the 7 o'clock hour and not 5 o'clock hour! (I know as soon as I post this something will happen and the miracle of all miracles will go away!)

We picked 24 lbs of berries. Yummy, Kaleb could not get enough of the blueberries. He figured out how to pick them and he was in heaven.

We found a new park that has a great wading pool, a great playground and lots of shade. It is the perfect size for Kaleb. We have been lucky enough to experience record breaking heat. For what seemed like forever (okay maybe it was just a week) it was over 100 and hit a high of 107. The bad thing about this is that we do not have air conditioning. Even though we live in a complex that was built only a few years ago they did not install AC. We are glad things have cooled off!

We are spending every waking moment outside. Only minutes after waking up Kaleb grabs your hand and leads you to the door to go outside. He has even been trying to say outside but it sounds more like "Ahh ide."

And we are officially into the climbing stages. Smart kid, moved truck, stood on truck, got milk!


Nicole W. said...

LOL I love that last picture!! the things they come up with! too cute.

SO glad his nights are longer now that you've moved to one nap....naps are funny things I've learned.....can drive you crazy but are your saving grace each day! lol

Phoebe said...

I can't wait to see that cute kid! And of course, I can't wait to see you as well:)

Steph said...

Hooray for not waking up at 5!
Boo on no air conditioning and HEAT.

Those berries look delicious. Did you freeze some of them? Or did Kaleb eat all of them?
I went down that slide we went to when you were here, and inside someone scratched Kaleb M. If the date weren't 2005 I would totally accuse Kevin. hee hee. :)
Kaleb is so cute, love seeing the pictures!

lynz said...

yay for the 7 o'clock hour! it really is the best to be in the 7's so enjoy it!!! i just love this kid and love the last pic - so smart already :)

Jessica said...

This kid is too cute! He reminds me of when Jack was that age.

Alex said...

I love the pictures! Yeah for a new park, berries and a later morning hour! I can't wait to see this kiddo! I miss him so so much!!!!!!!!

jenn said...

I love when you get to sleep past 5am!!! I also love thoughs berries my kids would of had them gone before we got home. How long did it take to pick them all? Are you going to make Jam, or freeze them?

Kaleb is getting so big and very smart, I just love seeing how much he has grown. Good luck with the heat.

Valerie said...

Oh he is so cute, I just love your little guy. I am so glad you and Julie found the new park, that baby pool rocks!!

Lacey said...

I am missing you guys so much! I can't belive how much K has grown up since you moved here, where has the time gone???? Glad that things are going so well with your little man, he is so smart.